Despite a wet weather start, the skies did clear and another fantastic experience with Carlos Tabernaberri was enjoyed at our Bellingen Sanctuary in May.   All who took part have already secured their places for his next visit later in the year.  Carlos is a great fan of the Brumby and a wonderful supporter of our work; always donating part of the proceeds back to the Charity.   Carlos, we thank you so much for your generosity, skill and the caring, dedicated horseman that you are. News flash: Carlos will be returning to Bellingen on 29th & 30th January and 26th & 27th March 2011. Contact us for details. Do visit and see firsthand the work of this outstanding horseman.Below are some highlights: STB Adam says to Carlos:   “Hey, you’re bigger ‘n me, what are you doing up there” ?

Adam and Carlos getting to know one another

STB Adam calmly accepts Carlos on his back

Carlos on STB Adam

Carlos gives his namesake, STB Little Carlos, a cuddle

Carlos and Carlos

STB Team with Carlos:

Happy Trails - Carlos rides Guy Fawkes Stromlo

Left to right:   Lisa Burgess, Carlos Tabernaberri, Jan Carter, Sandy Radke